Work from 2017 - 2018
Bragi was the first company in the world to suggest a genuinely wireless in-ear headphone when other companies thought it impossible. When I joined the company, their first-generation earphones, The Dash, was already launched, and the company was just about to start the production of The Dash Pro - the second generation together with a new operating system named BragiOS 3.0 introducing new features such as the 4D Menu, Alexa and iTranslate.
& Responsibilities
Working in a startup means getting your share of different responsibilities and projects to work on. You need to be flexible and creative in your approach to solution as you are working with limited resources and capacities.
Lead Designer
Support Designer
Quality Controller
During my time at Bragi, I was the Lead Designer on one project, managing all aspects of the product, including creating the state charts of the product and designing the onboarding process.
In other projects, I supported the lead designer with quality testing of the software implementation and helped with ideations and solutions during the design process.
I have been to China to help restructure the production line to improve production and quality control by implementing new measures and ensuring that previous methods were maintained.
Testing & Quality Assurance
Planning & Estimations
User Experience Research
Concept Development
With the different roles also come other responsibilities. I was responsible for organizing and condensing test results for internal test sessions in some projects. In others, I had to do UX research in the preliminary stages of the project to form the foundation of the concepts. I was also responsible for concept creations, designing the features from scratch, and planning out those projects' UX/UI aspects.
The different projects are described in detail below. Feel free to browse them.
Selected Works
Process & MethodsOrganizational
Design SystemOrganizational
PrototypingExperience Design
Concept DevelopmentConcept Design
Icon CreationGraphics Design
MAN Truck & BusVehicle Design
Project EarsHardware & Software
iTranslateSoftware Design
4D MenuSoftware Design
BragiTrue Wireless Headphones